Coffee is one of the most common beverages in the world; the annual consumption of coffee globally is more than 400 billion cups. Cultivated across 80 nations, coffee is the second-most traded commodity after crude oil. Driven by possible health benefits, green tea has gained popularity in the recent years. To help meet the surging demand in the coffee and tea industry, our experienced experts help you to select the optimal combination of equipment that meets your productivity and budget requirements. Our coffee and tea handling equipment can quickly and efficiently handle coffee and tea products in a variety of applications, including beans, ground, loose leaf, and bagged.
1972 年,Ishida 发明了计算机组合秤 (CCW) 技术,彻底改变了包装行业。Ishida 是称重技术领域的佼佼者,可提供终极性能并提供性能最佳的多头称重机,从而轻柔、干净、高效地处理客户的产品。
阅读更多对于希望平衡变化和增加产品品种与运营绩效的制造商来说,产品SKU的增加是具有挑战性的。以下是与北美Heat and Control检验系统产品经理Todd Grube就同一生产线上不同产品类型和尺寸如何影响异物和质量控制策略的问答。